Data Wrangling - Mastering the Art of Data Wrangling
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In the era of digital transformation, data wrangling has emerged as a crucial practice to refine raw data into a state ready for analysis. As data sources multiply and data volumes expand, the importance of this practice cannot be overstated.
Section 1: The Concept of Data Wrangling
Defining Data Wrangling
Data wrangling, also known as data cleansing or data munging, is the painstaking task of identifying and correcting anomalies in raw data, rendering it suitable for use and examination. With an estimated2.5 quintillion bytes of data generated daily, the need to sift, sort, and organise vast quantities of data is paramount.
The Evolution of Data Wrangling
Over time, the practice of data wrangling has evolved, with various tools and techniques being developed to streamline and automate the process. This has been a game-changer for organisations, enabling them to assemble complex data sets swiftly and efficiently, ultimately leading to actionable insights.
Section 2: The Importance of Data Wrangling
Data wrangling plays a pivotal role in ensuring the integrity of data before it is used and analysed. In the absence of standardised or reliable data, the analyses are likely to be flawed, resulting in incomplete and inaccurate data sets. This, in turn, could lead to invalid results during analysis.
Section 3: The Process of Data Wrangling
The process of data wrangling commences with the discovery phase. In this stage, it is crucial to acquaint oneself with the data and gain insights into its potential uses. To understand the data, the correct context is essential. A good understanding of data definitions, lineages, business rules, samples, types, and domains can expedite the process of data wrangling.
Structuring is the next step in the process, where the raw data is cleansed and standardised. This step often involves the categorisation of massive data sets (hundreds of thousands of rows) into standard formats and organising fields for easy analysis.
Cleaning is a critical phase in the data wrangling process as it ensures the completeness of the data. It involves identifying patterns in the data, along with errors, such as missing or incomplete values, that need to be corrected. This phase forms the foundation of all subsequent activities.
In the enriching phase, data analysts determine whether additional data sets would enhance their analysis. This could involve adding new fields, aggregating existing ones, or introducing lookup tables to translate technical terminology into business language.
Validating is an integral step in the data wrangling process. It involves verifying that the data is consistent and of high quality. This is typically achieved by checking the accuracy of the datasets against the source and assessing if attributes are normally distributed.
Finally, in the publishing phase, the data is shared and made easily accessible to relevant data consumers. This stage allows for the extraction of actionable insights and the identification of additional opportunities for collaboration.
Data wrangling is a dynamic, iterative process that yields a clean, usable data set ready for analysis. It may seem tedious, but the benefits it brings in terms of the quality of data and the insights derived from it make it a rewarding endeavour. As organisations increasingly rely on data to drive their decisions, the importance and relevance of data wrangling will only continue to grow.